Got a burning question about the health and nutrition of your cows? You can pay a small subscription fee to have access to our ‘virtual nutritionist’ at anytime. As a published scientist, our in-house nutrition expert Colin-Orr will provide you with honest, transparent and accurate knowledge to provide the best course of action for your cattle.
No one likes silage that is out of the ordinary, you know the stuff with it’s strange smell and odd colouring? Luckily, we can find out why! We have access to some of the leading lab analysis software and we can provide it to you for a much reduced price. Contact us today to see how we can help you and your farm.
Buying from Forage Technology means you get access to our team of social media and content creation experts. Previously the brains behind the digital campaigns for BBC shows like Line of Duty and Poldark. Our aim is to promote positive farming as widely as possible so we’re eager to help with gathering content on farms, filming testimonials and helping create content for your social media platforms.
We’re proud of having a team with many diverse talents. Need something in particular? Reach out to us and we’ll help you in whatever way we can.